Russia: A Chinese Colony?

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 Powerful figures in the Russian government apparatus are reportedly becoming increasingly unhappy with the government's subservient relationship with China, which is seen as "turning the country into a raw materials colony" and threatening an economic crisis.

The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel has an interesting piece about concerns within "government clans of the Russian Federation" about Putin's strategy towards China, which is being promoted by a "dominant pro-Chinese group" within the Russian administration.

3/ According to a source, "the failure of the policy of the last two years and the impossibility of getting out of the [Ukraine] conflict on terms acceptable to the dominant group became obvious – hence, the conflict will continue to the detriment of the rest of the elite groups, the population and the interests of the country.

"The rest of the elites are becoming increasingly aware of the ‘colonial’ nature of relations with China - supplying the bulk of extracted resources to China at cost price (and sometimes even below cost price, if we take into account the cost of loans in the current situation) and imports from China at a 2-3 times inflated price.

"In fact, the entire population and business of the Russian Federation is now working to support the military operation and fuel the Chinese economy - 50x50%, all profits from Russian resources are generated in the Chinese economy.

Their concern is understandable, but it’s too late now. Russia already sold its soul to China, Iran and North Korea.

They made their bed. Now they can lie in it.

Daily Kos
