Armenia's survival is at stake, Mr. President!

 TRIBUNE. Élisabeth Badinter, Laurent Wauquiez, Anne Hidalgo, Roger-Pol Droit and a hundred other personalities call on Emmanuel Macron to send a French military force to Armenia, threatened by Azerbaijan.

Mr. President of the Republic,
As elected representatives of all political persuasions and representatives of civil society, we hereby have the honor of requesting your kind attention to an urgent situation that worries many French republicans and defenders of human rights: the survival of Armenia.
We are aware of your commitment to this issue, and the humanitarian, political and diplomatic efforts France is making under your mandate to help this friendly country, which is under threat from Panturkist forces, currently spearheaded by Baku. We thank you in particular for your initiative to provide defensive military assistance to this state, by enabling the supply of certain weapons and the training of Armenian soldiers in our best schools.

Armenia, a country so close to us

But it is to be feared that these efforts will not be enough to induce the Aliev regime to abandon its expansionist and criminal plans. With its real military superiority, acquired thanks in particular to its gas and oil revenues and the support of the Turkish state, Azerbaijan is more tempted than ever by the option of military escalation. All the more so as the ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh has paid off in its eyes, and Armenia's opening up to democracy has isolated it, putting it at odds with its traditional strategic Russian ally. The result for Armenia is a dangerous situation, bordering on the risk of obliteration, a hundred years after the genocide of 1915.

This strong probability, if it were to come true, would not only constitute an absolute catastrophe for our brothers in Armenia, a country so close to us in terms of its history and values; it would represent a terrible failure for humanity, and consequently for France, Europe and all the powers working for respect for international law and the victory of justice over force.


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