Vier Jahre Trump!


Das Milliardärskabinett Trump wirft bereits seinen Schatten auf das Weltgeschehen. Was wird noch kommen? Das baldige Erscheinen eines unberechenbaren, sprunghaften Präsidenten mit einer Entourage von Egomanen und Volksverächtern, die stolz auf einen großen Wahlsieg pochen.

Nur vier Jahre, tröstet sich die Welt. Wir werden vier Jahre aushalten müssen, wir werden lächeln und versuchen, wenig Schatten zu werfen. Es gab schon schlimmere vier Jahre, können die Menschen sich trösten. Nach den vier Jahren werden die Dinge wieder zur Normalität zurückkehren, und man wird versuchen, den Schaden zu beheben und das Versäumte nachzuholen.

Vier Jahre sind auch für den Hauptakteur, Donald Trump, entscheidend. In dieser Zeit wird er versuchen, das Unveränderliche zu ändern und sich vor dem Verlust von Macht, dem Zugriff der Justiz und dem Sturz in die Bedeutungslosigkeit zu schützen.

Ganz einfach: Er wird versuchen, eine neue Präsidentschaftswahl ohne ihn zu verhindern.
Wie das geht, hat sein Amtskollege Volodymyr Zelensky gezeigt:
Zelenskys Amtszeit sollte ursprünglich im Mai 2024 enden, doch die anhaltende russische Invasion und die Verhängung des Kriegsrechts verhinderten die Durchführung der regulär angesetzten Präsidentschaftswahlen. Er wird voraussichtlich bis zum Ende des russisch-ukrainischen Krieges Präsident bleiben.

Könnte Trump die Wahl 2028 verhindern? Oder könnte er es schaffen, wie Franklin D. Roosevelt wiedergewählt zu werden?
Roosevelt war der erste und einzige Präsident, der 1940 und 1944 eine dritte und vierte Amtszeit gewinnen konnte indem er aufgrund seines günstigen Umgangs mit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg weiterhin relativ komfortable Siege erzielte.

In beiden Fällen ist "Krieg“ das entscheidende Kriterium. Um die Wahl 2028 abzuschaffen, zu verschieben oder zu gewinnen, braucht Trump Krieg.
Krieg gegen wen? China, Russland, Iran und Nordkorea sind die derzeitig sich anbietenden Kriegsgegner. Vielleicht schließen sich in den nächsten vier Jahren weitere an, etwa Dänemark wegen Grönland. Oder Kanada. Oder Mexiko.
Wie dem auch sei, Trump wird nicht einfach abtreten wie Obama und Biden und so viele andere vor ihm. Das Jahr 2028 dürfte für die USA und die Welt spannend werden.

Heinrich von Loesch
PS: Es gibt noch eine krieglose Variante: wenn es den von Trump gepriesenen Milizen gelänge, mit einem zweiten Sturm auf das Kapitol Tatsachen zu schaffen, die ihrem Idol Trump das Weisse Haus auf Dauer sichern. Ein Problem jedoch: schwer bewaffnete Milizen mit zehntausenden Mitgliedern, darunter viel Polizei und Justiz, könnten versuchen, die Macht direkt zu übernehmen, ohne Trumps Vermittlung und Hilfe. 
January 23, 2025

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles introduced a House Joint Resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow a President to be elected for up to but no more than three terms.

Update II

President Donald Trump never misses a chance to foreshadow a third term. 

During the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump randomly suggested he would run for another term despite others telling him he couldn’t.  

“They say I can’t run again. That’s the expression. Sir. And somebody said, ‘I don’t think you can.’ Ooh!” Trump said, chuckling. 

Politico, the outlet Trump has targeted with a new false conspiracy theory, compiled a list of ways the president might make a grab for power in the next few years. 

He could generate a movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment by passing another amendment—which would be virtually impossible since it would require 38 states, including many blue states, to ratify the new amendment. 

Trump could also exploit a potential “vice president” loophole in the amendment. The idea goes that Trump would be elected as vice president, then the president—say, JD Vance—would resign and allow Trump to immediately ascend back to the presidency.


America 2025:

My family Is Terrified So We Are Self Deporting

I'm a gringo who has travelled the world not simply visiting but having lived for extended periods of time in three foreign countries. I've seen how the other half lives. I am nearing retirement after a career in software engineering.

We have decided to throw in the towel in America, and make a move out of the country. We are all studying French and plan to relocate to the exurbs of Paris. My uncle retired near Orange and my cousin still lives in Paris, so we are not entirely without connections but it's still a huge change and there will be nothing easy about it.

To me, at this point, it's like 1938 Germany all over again, concentration camps in Texas and Guantanamo, Jackbooted thugs arresting long term residents on their way to work or as they do their weekly shopping, or invading churches and schools to arrest...8 year old "criminal aliens"? That's not border enforcement, that's out and out fascism, period.

My wife (born Colombian), even though a naturalized citizen for decades, lives in daily fear. She rarely leaves the house and when she does she makes sure to carry her passport. But that is still cold comfort as Stephen Miller has already promised to go through every naturalization application going back decades, looking for any "i" not dotted, any "t" not crossed and using that as an excuse to strip naturalized citizenship away. My daughter stands aghast at the thought of having her rights stripped from her, not just abortion (we are in a blue state thankfully), but also less well known issues such as having her property ownership rights stripped away and having to depend on a husband for his discretion on such things (see project 2025) or being forced to stay in an abusive marriage because no-fault divorce if it should come to that, would be eliminated (again project 2025).

In my opinion our country is lost and there is no saving it, not in my lifetime. I think we have passed the point of no return. So yeah, I'm running. Tired of the fight, I just want to protect my family and pass the torch to the younger generations....My work and achievements for democracy, modest as they may have been, have sustained me and kept me sane. But I just have no more to give and I have to think beyond my political interests and focus on my family. We are all frightened and don't have the resources to keep up the fight.



Implementing Project 2025

Project 2025 architects are among those behind the American Accountability Foundation and their blacklists targeting people of color

One recent list created by the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) includes the names of mostly Black people with roles in government health alleged to have some ties to diversity initiatives.

A significant proportion of the nominees targeted by AAF – including Brown Jackson, Cook and Omarova – were women of color.

The dozens of public employees whose information was collected in “dossiers” on the DEI watchlist site are overwhelmingly people of color. Of 44 profiles listed under agencies at the time of reporting, 29 were people of color, and 20 were women of color alone. Just five were white men.

“The fact that many on the list are people of color just adds another layer of vileness to the project,” Heidi Beirich, chief strategy officer of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE) said.

The Guardian



Now he is laying a 25% tariff on all steel and aluminum imports including from Canada and Mexico.  Tomorrow.  They sort of drop this during the Super Bowl.

What do you suppose this will do to the cost of, like, everything, but especially infrastructure projects, cars, aircraft manufacturing, and oh.  We have a housing shortage.  We have planned mass transit projects in the works.  And it isn’t as if we can restart our steel industry tomorrow, if in fact we really want that level of pollution in this country anymore.  I remember it well.  The skies were black and the rivers burned.  Flying into Cleveland at night was like a descent into hell.  Same with the South Side.  

All my friends who were born and raised on the South Side are dead from cancer already.  I miss them.  They were only in their 60’s.

I am so beyond angry.

This is vandalism.

And, they’re laying off EPA workers who protect the Great Lakes.  Vought shut down the bureau that protects consumers from financial abuse.  They want to destroy FEMA per the puppy murderer.  Do you believe that person is in charge of DHS??? OMG. 

All I can say is don’t steal a chicken.  And avoid gravel pits.  

They honest to god are trying to destroy this country.  I cannot believe what I’m seeing.

Colorado Blue
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth on Jan. 31 ordered that Black History Month, Women's History Month and others were officially "dead" and that the military would no longer mark them.... 

The decision to abandon the Black engineering event marks a significant shift in military recruiting strategy -- and sparked calls of discrimination.

"It's f---ing racist," one active-duty Army general told on the condition of anonymity to avoid retaliation. "For the Army now, it's 'Blacks need not apply' and it breaks my heart."


Donald Trump’s first election to the presidency in 2016 triggered an energetic defense of democracy from the American establishment. But his return to office has been met with striking indifference. Many of the politicians, pundits, media figures, and business leaders who viewed Trump as a threat to democracy eight years ago now treat those concerns as overblown—after all, democracy survived his first stint in office. In 2025, worrying about the fate of American democracy has become almost passé. The timing of this mood shift could not be worse, for democracy is in greater peril today than at any time in modern U.S. history.

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