Trump & Musk Swindling $1.7 Trillion From Social Security


"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed your pain"  (Zora Neale Hurston)

Trump and Musk are wanting to privatize Social Security. Then they want to sell off everything in the building. They are hoping to get their greedy hands on the $1.7 trillion in the Social Security fund.

But that money is not the Federal Government's money. Of course it belongs to all people and employers who have paid into it their whole working life.

The richest man in the world has been put in charge of dismantling American programs that were created to prevent elderly poverty. Why should he care? He will never depend on it. 

I am 71 and I need my Social Security to pay my bills. I still work 3 days a week. I didn’t save enough to retire at 62 or 66. I have read that what I have managed to save is about average for a big part of  American workers. EVERYONE WHO READS THIS SHOULD LET EVERYONE THEY KNOW WHO IS DEPENDENT ON SOCIAL SECURITY THAT THEY NEED TO ACT NOW. ALSO TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO HAS PARENTS.


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