München Amok: Warum?

David S. entstammte einer iranischen Familie, war daher von schiitischer Religion.


"They're Shias," the hairdresser (said), who gave his name only as Hakan ...”


Er wurde 2012 in der Schule gemobbt und zwar von türkisch- und arabischstämmigen Kindern, also mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit von sunnitischer Religion.


He was put through a trade school in his early teenage years when it became apparent he was unlikely to complete the standard German Abitur exams. But he ended up failing at his school too, blaming bullying by 'Turkish and Arabic' schoolmates as being the reason for his poor educational performance.

Unter den Todesopfern sind vor allem junge Menschen: drei Türken, drei von Kosovo-Albanischer Abstammung und ein Grieche moslemischer Religion. Allesamt wahrscheinlich Sunniten.





'We always mobbed him in school, and he always told us that he would kill us,' a former classmate says


"I was bullied for seven years ... and now I have to buy a gun to shoot you", 

Gunman Ali David S. told classmates 'I will kill you all' 


According to the Daily Mail, the gunman screamed anti-immigrant slogans before the shooting started.  Claimed He Was Bullied & May Have Shouted ‘I am German’ On an Unverified Citizen Video.


Alex Shams, amerikanischer Nahostexperte,  sucht eine Erklärung dafür, dass der Attentäter sich offenbar bei europäischem Rechtsextremismus  (Breivik) inspirierte:

 Some Iranians - particularly in the Diaspora - subscribe to the "Aryan" racial theory promoted by European thinkers in the earlier 20th century. This combines with their dislike for their own government.  ....Aryan lineage and that this lineage distinguished them from "mongrel" Turks, Arabs, and "Muslims" as a category more broadly still holds certain sway. Many second-generation Iranians have extreme hostility toward not only their homeland's government, but also to Islam in general.

Marco, 16, kannte den Amokläufer von München vom gemeinsamen Computerspielen. Ihm fiel auf, dass David S. zunehmend extreme Ansichten vertrat - gegen Türken und Muslime allgemein.



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